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The Journey of Self Discovery (JOSD) is a course specifically aimed at introducing spiritual science to new practitioners. It provides an open and welcoming space, where anyone who is keen to embark on their spiritual journey can gain access to the timeless wisdom of the Vedic scriptures, in the joyful and inspiring company of other spiritual enthusiasts.

The first piece of real estate that Srila Prabhupada was able to obtain was a small storefront in New York’s Lower East side. He wished to open a spiritual centre there. At the time he only had the funds to afford the first month’s rent. He had a few young followers then. When they asked him what they should name the centre, he said, “International Society for Krishna Consciousness”. His followers were dumbstruck. Here was a man who did not know how he was going to pay the rent for the next month. All he had was a storefront. Yet he wanted to call this centre an “International” society. They enquired. Srila Prabhupada replied, “We already have temples and devotees all over the world. There is only one thing that separates us – time!”
Pharmacist by profession, Srila Prabhupada came to the United States of America with a vision. Under the instructions of his guru, he left India at the age of 69 to take his philosophy to the world. He also suffered two heart attacks on the ship while traveling from India to the USA. Landing in a strange foreign country with just 7 dollars in his pocket, he established 108 temples all over the world within a span of 11 years.
One of Srila Prabhupada’s greatest contributions was his books. He is well known for his scholarly translation of sacred Sanskrit texts which were studied, their knowledge passed through the generations in disciplic succession. His books are still widely studied by all who wish to follow in his path and serve as a guide and reference for all his devotees who aspire for spiritual elevation.
While he circled the globe 14 times bringing Krishna Consciousness to people on six continents, he also returned to India several times sparking a revival and interest in the ancient tradition followed by the Gaudiya Vaishnavas. When we hear about the story of Srila Prabhupada it can sometime feel like the world conspired to manifest his vision in those 11 years. And it did. So much so that his disciples were left dumbfounded as things fell in place like a jigsaw puzzle. It was an extraordinary feat. And it was achieved by a man who was no less extraordinary.
Similarly, the spiritual journey is also a step-by-step process. Just as a tree’s strength or an athlete’s fitness is progressively acquired, the path to real self-realisation involves practice and steady progress. It needs to be cared for and nourished until it eventually blossoms and becomes a boon not just for us, but for society as a whole.
The Journey of Self Discovery course creates the foundational platform upon which we take the next step to deeper spiritual knowledge about ourselves and the world. It enlightens us about the way the world works and why it works so, on topics that seemingly have no explanation. At the same time, it clarifies the basic and fundamental questions we may have so that they are no longer a distraction if we choose to explore the depths in detail.
The course is organised into four modules, beginning from the quest of human life to understanding why we experience the kind of circumstances that we do. The second module focuses on spiritual evolution, moving out of fear into love and eventually to seeing inward, which is the subject of subsequent modules.
The tiered approach to spiritual knowledge is intended to benefit interested participants and ensure that you get the maximum benefit out of your time in every session. As all good and essential things should be, the Journey of Self-Discovery sessions are free to attend for your benefit. All we need to know is that you are interested.
Each and every one of us is looking for the answer to the question ‘Why?’ at some level or the other – either consciously or subconsciously. Some of us actively pursue avenues that we hope may lead us to the answer. Others merely experience the lack of purpose in life as unhappiness, dissatisfaction or a lack of fulfillment despite our earnest endeavours for happiness.
Ancient Vedic wisdom very elegantly lays out the various means to achieve what we seek. The most celebrated of all such means is the path of “Bhakti Yoga” – The Science of Loving Devotion. The various practices defined in Bhakti Yoga methodically bring us to the platform of knowledge about our selves and all of creation, step by step. It teaches us the all important lesson of how to love for the sake of love, without ulterior motives. It guides us towards the essential qualities that we need to develop for self-realization, and then shows us how to transcend all of them to achieve perfection. Ultimately, Bhakti Yoga brings us that ever-lasting sweet bliss, that is greater than anything we could have desired.
Bhakti Yoga is not just a path, it is an experience that mere words cannot describe. As they say, ‘The proof of the pudding is in the eating.’
Courses We Offer
ISKCON Centre for Culture and Education offers a myriad of courses that offer a systematic and scientific discourse on practical spirituality, with a keen emphasis on interactive participation and friendly atmosphere. The different courses cater to people from all walks of life and all stages of spiritual development, right from beginners to the more advanced levels.
FRIDAY, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
FRIDAY, 6:30 – 8:30 PM
FRIDAY, 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Our Team
We gather to make our commitment to become free from suffering, help people with their spiritual growth
and provide a safe and friendly space for nurturing holistic well-being.

HG Ambarish Maharaj Das
Ambarish Maharaj Das conducts numerous courses, seminars, lectures and retreats on spiritual topics from Vedic scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam and serves as the instructor for the Bhakti Sastri course in Wellington. He and his wife, HG Anang Manjari Devi Dasi, are the backbone of the vibrant spiritual community in Wellington and together they started ISKCON Centre for Culture and Education in 2018, which caters to the spiritual needs of the community in the Wellington region through various weekly programs, festivals and spiritual retreats. He also serves as a member of the national council of ISKCON at New Zealand level.
He possesses a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from one of the premier institutes in India. A top student in his University days, he currently works in a managerial position at the Ministry of Social Development (part of New Zealand government). His previous work experience includes prestigious companies like Spark, HP, British Telecom, L&T and Infosys.
Apart from his full-time work with MSD, he aids his regular practice of Bhakti Yoga with a focus on the study of Vedic scriptures. He also personally mentors and guides new practitioners of Bhakti Yoga and is deeply committed to sharing its wisdom, principles and practices with anyone who is keen to learn about this ancient spiritual system.

HG Anang Manjari Devi Dasi

HG Bharadwaj Rsi Das

HG Kirtivanta Das