Special Events

Grand Outreach Janmashtami celebrations at ISKCON Centre for Culture and Education

ISKCON Centre for Culture and Education, Wellington, celebrated a grand outreach Janmashtami festival on the 8th of August 2020. Utilising the opportunity afforded by the Covid19 free status in the country, more than 500 enthusiastic devotees gathered to witness the divine celebrations of the appearance of Lord Krishna. The attendees were treated to a wonderful ...
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Beyond Negative Thinking and Positive Thinking to Productive Thinking

A seminar given by HG Chaitanya Charan Das at BNZ (Bank of New Zealand), Wellington New Zealand on 6 June 2019. That negative thinking can drain us of energy and enthusiasm is well-known. That positive thinking can blind us to danger and trouble is not that well-known. While much self-help training focuses on tapping the power of positive thinking, all-round preparation for life requires that we tap the power of negative thinking too. Ultimately, the thinking that can help us is neither positive or negative, but productive and effective. You deserve your best thoughts for presentation - and your best thoughts deserve you for application.
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The Mercy Cloud Showers on Wellington

Vyasa-puja is one of the most auspicious days, awaited by disciples, looking forward to experiencing Krsna’s special mercy through the embodiment of Guru tattva – their own Spiritual Master. It is an opportunity to relish intimate association with ones Guru and perform both vapu and vani seva. This year (2018), the service to celebrate the 74th vyasa-puja of HH Vedavyasapriya Swami Maharaj was endowed to the small budding Vaisnava community of Wellington, New Zealand.
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