Grand Outreach Janmashtami celebrations at ISKCON Centre for Culture and Education

Grand Outreach Janmashtami celebrations at ISKCON Centre for Culture and Education

ISKCON Centre for Culture and Education, Wellington, celebrated a grand outreach Janmashtami festival on the 8th of August 2020. Utilising the opportunity afforded by the Covid19 free status in the country, more than 500 enthusiastic devotees gathered to witness the divine celebrations of the appearance of Lord Krishna. The attendees were treated to a wonderful abhishekam of the Lord, soul stirring kirtans, enthralling cultural dance performances and skits. There were numerous stalls for face painting, Tilak, Srila Prabhupada’s books, devotional items, Mahaprasadam etc. The children let their creativity flow with a collage competition while HG Ambarish Maharaj Das gave a thought-provoking talk on ‘Moving from Corona-consciousness to Krishna Consciousness ‘.

Festivities concluded with a soul satisfying feast that delighted the devotees.

With New Zealand moving up COVID-19 alert levels, the devotees at ISKCON Centre for Culture and Education, Wellington are ever more grateful for the opportunity to have celebrated the auspicious appearance of Lord Krishna with their community on such a grand scale.

Here is the link for photo gallery :

Here is the link to full event video:

Direct links to performances:

Narasimha Aarati, Guest Welcome & Stalls – 00:24

Kirtan – 06:39

Event Start – 23:16

Maha abhishekam, Sri Brahma Samhita & Radha Krishna prana mora Bhajan – 27:51

Moving from Corona-consciousness to Krishna Consciousness Lecture – 1:42:07

Aarati & Bhoga Offering – 2:35:05

Classical Dance – 2:55:39

Mridanga Performance – 3:03:37

Folk Dance – 3:18:46

Collage Competition & Prize distribution – 3:24:31

Maha Prasadam – 3:36:47